In response to World Environment Day, the month of action for the environment

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment has just sent official dispatch No. 2472/BTNMT-TTTT to central ministries, agencies and mass organizations; People’s Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities and related agencies and units organize activities to respond to World Environment Day and Action Month for the Environment.

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment said that World Environment Day June 5, 2022 was launched by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) with the theme “Only One Earth” in order to convey the meaning of the message together. build a sustainable lifestyle, in harmony with nature; rationally use natural resources, biodiversity and respond to climate change through policies and activities towards a greener, cleaner lifestyle. This is the time for each country to join hands and take concrete and practical actions for nature and the Earth.

Responding to the World Environment Day, the Month of Action for the Environment, the MONRE proposes the central ministries, agencies and mass organizations; The People’s Committees of the localities and relevant agencies are interested in, directing, guiding and coordinating in organizing activities to hang banners, panels, and posters (encouragement from environmentally friendly materials) at public areas, streets, office buildings and other suitable locations.

Based on functions, tasks and actual conditions, the units organize community activities such as: Metting responds, deploys to clean the environment, plant trees, collect and treat waste; promote propaganda in not using non-degradable plastic bags and single-use plastic products; produce and use environmentally friendly products and services.

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment encourages units to organize the groundbreaking, construction and handover of works for environmental protection, community benefits and sustainable development activities.

“Chỉ một Trái Đất” là chủ đề Ngày Môi trường thế giới 2022

Propaganda is paid special attention to by increasing the duration and frequency of propaganda on activities, tasks, contents and topics on environmental protection, nature conservation and biodiversity within the scope of the project. management in the press. At the same time, detecting, praising and rewarding organizations, individuals and business communities that have made effective and practical contributions to the rational use of resources, environmental protection, biodiversity conservation, production and consumption sustainably and respond to climate change.

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment emphasized that the year 2022 is of great significance as the revised Law on Environmental Protection 2020 will be officially applied from January 1, 2022. Accordingly, this is a period of strong transformation in environmental protection towards the highest goal of improving environmental quality, protecting people’s health, ecological balance, biodiversity conservation and development. sustainable economic development. On the occasion of World Environment Day, Environmental Action Month is an opportunity to disseminate and guide the Law regulations, so that the Law comes to life.

The content in the propaganda center is to implement solutions to improve environmental quality and protect people’s health; economic development associated with environmental protection, climate change adaptation; Develop a roadmap for collecting, classifying and treating domestic waste and plastic waste at source; Building and replicating effective models in organizing the collection, classification and treatment of domestic waste at source; promote sustainable and environmentally friendly consumption; Formulate and organize the implementation of strategies, tasks, schemes and projects on environmental protection.

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