Moving towards a globally binding legal commitment to reduce plastic waste by the end of 2024

The draft Resolution “Ending plastic pollution: Towards an international legally binding instrument” is a historic commitment to end plastic pollution in countries around the world. The content of the Resolution aims at a global legal commitment and sets a certain deadline for each country to seek environmentally friendly materials, improve the circularity of plastics, and reduce waste. waste plastic, increase recycling.

Proposing diverse solutions

The draft Resolution “Ending plastic pollution: Towards an international legally binding instrument” expressed the consensus of 175 countries around the world on the task of responding to the negative impacts of waste. Plastic affects the environment, society and sustainable economic development of countries around the world. They also admit that plastic pollution includes microplastics, a very small molecule of plastic that is present in the natural environment and in food.

At the same time, the Draft Resolution also notes the specific impacts of the plastic pollution problem on the sea, the marine environment and other environments, especially in the marine environment, the problem of plastic pollution is of a transversal nature. border and needs to be addressed with proactive actions in various countries to prevent it.

The Draft Resolution also reaffirms United Nations General Assembly resolution No. 70/1 dated September 25, 2015, which adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development; Reaffirming the principles of the Rio Declaration on the environment and sustainable development of 1992; At the same time, he emphasized the urgent need to strengthen the application of science and policy development at all levels of each country in improving understanding of the global impact of plastic pollution on the environment, promoting promote efficiency and progressive actions at local, regional and global levels.

The draft Resolution reiterates the resolutions of the United Nations Environment Assembly and affirms the urgent need to strengthen global coordination, cooperation and governance to take immediate action towards eliminating permanently eliminating plastic pollution, in marine and other environments; avoid harm from plastic pollution to ecosystems and the people and activities that depend on them.

Recognizing multiple approaches, sustainable alternatives and technology applications to address the full life cycle of plastics, strengthening international cooperation to facilitate technology access, capacity building and scientific and technical cooperation; At the same time, he emphasized the need to diversify solutions to reduce plastic in each country.

The draft Resolution also emphasizes the importance of promoting sustainable design of products and materials so that they can be reused, remanufactured or recycled and thus retained in the economy as well. such as minimizing waste generation, significantly contributing to sustainable plastic production and consumption.

The Draft Resolution also highlights the efforts of the government and international organizations, especially through national, regional and international action plans, initiatives and tools, including international agreements. multilateral decision. Such as the G7 and G20 initiatives, including the 2015 and 2017 action plans on Tackling marine litter; Osaka Blue Ocean Vision; G20 Ocean Plastics Implementation Framework; ASEAN Action Framework on Marine Debris and the Bangkok Declaration on Combating Marine Debris; APEC Roadmap on Marine Debris and Reducing Plastic and Microplastic Pollution; AOSIS Leaders’ Statement 2021 and St Johns Caricom Statement; Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal; Results of the Ministerial Conference on Plastic Pollution and Marine Waste 2021…

Commit to reducing plastic in a legally binding instrument between countries

The draft Resolution “Ending plastic pollution: Towards an international legally binding instrument” also emphasizes the need to establish an Intergovernmental Committee on Plastic Pollution to carry out negotiations. It is expected that this Committee will form and operate in the second half of 2022 with the ambition of completing a complete legally binding Resolution by 2024. This legally binding instrument aims to make a commitment to build capacity and provide effective financial support between developed and developing countries during the transition process.

A binding legal instrument also identifies specific targets to promote sustainable production and consumption of plastics, including environmentally sound product design and waste management; through resource efficiency and circular economy approaches. At the same time, promote national and international cooperation measures to reduce plastic pollution of the marine environment.

Countries must also develop, implement and update national action plans that demonstrate country-based approaches that contribute to the instrument’s objectives; Promote national action plans to prevent, reduce and eliminate plastic pollution. And to provide regional and international support, countries must update their national reports every year at the appropriate time; Periodically evaluate progress in implementing the tool; Periodically evaluate the effectiveness of the tool in achieving goals; Provide scientific and socioeconomic assessments related to plastic pollution; Enhance knowledge through awareness, education and information…

This legal instrument also encourages action by all stakeholders, including the private sector, and promotes cooperation at the global, regional, national and local levels; Countries also promote research and development of sustainable, affordable, innovative products and cost-effective approaches…

It is known that in preparation for the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution, the UNEP Executive Director was asked to convene a special open working group to prepare for the work of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to End plastic pollution. This meeting was held in early June 2022 in Dakar, Senegal to review environmental provisions related to plastic waste that have been stipulated in international conventions and that the majority of member countries have agreed to. join. This is the first step in the process of negotiating terms of commitments with countries in the near future.

Source: Báo Tài Nguyên Môi trường

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